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I-594 just the start

Allen Wall (Dec. 5) suggests that I move to Idaho because of my outrage over the passage of Initiative 594, an overt assault on liberty here in the “People’s Republic of Washington State.”

Did (Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jonathan) Gruber have Seattle (and a couple of Spokesman-Review columnists) in mind when he talked about “stupid voters”?

I-594 will now usher in a tidal wave of repressive, draconian gun laws, all of which will target the law-abiding. Indeed I-594 is already threatening to make felons out of innocent museum curators who have historical firearms on display, not stopping gun violence.

If I relocated to Idaho, I could say, truthfully, that I’d escaped from an “iron curtain” state to the free world.

Curtis Stone

Dayton, Wash.

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