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Torture comments unpatriotic

Pete Scobby, “Land of the scared (Dec. 20)” does not have his facts straight. He’s a John Wayne World War II fan? He’d be horrified that at times our CIA has had few options, right or wrong, other than to use what is considered to be “torture” in intelligence gathering. It was used by the U.S. military in World War I, World War II and Vietnam (all John Wayne movie topics) and in many cases saved U.S. servicemen’s lives.

During an earlier wartime, his comments would likely not be printed. Those remarks would be considered unpatriotic if not downright traitorous.

My spouse, his brother and his nephew all are 100 percent service-connected disabled veterans (Vietnam/Gulf War). Two of them have traumatic brain injuries. One of them, a two-tour rescue med, is profoundly affected. My spouse, U.S. Coast Guard, retired, rescued a civilian lost at sea for many days who otherwise would have died. They did things like this as a regular course. Our family is extremely proud of these veterans.

We are a military base community here and honored to be one. God bless America, our military and our veterans. They have given of themselves for freedoms some trample on.

Catherine Humberg


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