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The Slice: After dinner, she’ll resume regular programming

‘Sometimes words we use with technology get picked up by the kids and are repeated in an unexpected way,” Ron Hardin wrote.

Here is his story.

“When our granddaughters come to visit, they have rules to follow. One such rule is to clean up all toys before leaving the basement.”

Doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

Hardin was downstairs with one of the granddaughters the other evening when they were called upstairs for dinner. The little girl had been engaged with a “Sesame Street” play set. Hardin reminded her of the clean-up rule.

She looked at him and said, “I put it on ‘pause.’ ”

Life at the center of the universe: “My friend Karen Ithomitis has two beautiful nieces,” wrote Mildred Scheel. “The 4-year-old has become accustomed to friends and strangers alike remarking on her exceptional beauty. But now she has a serious rival in the form of her 1-year-old sister, and her parents have become concerned that she may resent the loss of attention.

“Recently, while the family was dining out, a couple walking past their table remarked, ‘What a beautiful baby you have!’

“The parents braced themselves and waited to see if the 4-year-old had heard the compliment. Yes, she had heard it and she was indignant. As soon as the couple was out of sight, she exclaimed, ‘Did you hear that? They called me a baby!’ ”

Favorite movie kisses: “It has been quite a while since I saw the movie ‘Only You’ with Marisa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr., but zowzer, that was quite a kiss,” Cindy Matthews wrote.

Christy Himmelright shared this. “The most thrilling and loving kiss I have ever seen in any movie, over approximately 60 years of viewing, is the scene in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ when George finally admits to himself how much he loves Mary, and she realizes he now knows how much she has always loved him…well, suffice it to say that tears and goosebumps happen to me with every viewing.”

Today’s Slice question: Who holds the local record for most trips to the airport in one 10-day span?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Use your real name or get lost.

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