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Charge for studded tires

Ah, the advent of winter weather. It inevitably brings with it another discussion about studded tires. I am aware, and have been for years, that they do damage to the public’s roadways, yet I install them every November, and have since they first became available some 30-plus years ago.

Why? Come look at my driveway and its elevation some 12 feet or more above the street. Those hated studs get me up and down that driveway safely and dependably, and provide a level of traction not available with any other tire I know of.

I’ll quit using them in a heartbeat when I have to pay more than they’re worth to me. Do a decent study by the University of Washington, Washington State University or the Transportation Department, adopt a regulation or law assessing a per-tire, per-year fee, and let me decide if my beloved tires are worth it.

Let the market decide if we stud lovers are willing to pay what they cost in damages. If we’re not willing to pay for the damage, we’ll quit using them. If we’re willing to pay the bill, then shut up and leave us alone.

That’s my message to the urban dwellers and West Siders for the year.

Wallace Foster


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