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Expanded preschool crucial

I am writing in response to the wonderful article from Dec. 28, “Low-income kids boosted by preschool, study finds.”

As a parent of two Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program students, I am so confident in the work this program is putting into our youngest citizens by bridging the opportunity gap between our wealthy and low-income children. My children are so lucky to be given the chance to not have to start kindergarten behind and to learn what they are expected to know prior to entering kindergarten.

The program has also given me the tools I needed to work with them one on one in an engaging and educating manner at home.

Preschool is so much more than a day care or just a place to play with friends. These students are receiving a high-quality education in a safe and nurturing environment.

This is why I am really hoping our legislative committee recognizes how crucial these programs are and approves the bill in which we are asking to be able to serve 6,358 more families and continue to bridge those gaps and open up many more opportunities.

Kathryn Smith

Spokane Valley

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