Test drive Inslee’s plan
I disagree with your Feb. 2 editorial. Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean that Gov. Jay Inslee’s plan to help fund transportation with a price on carbon pollution shouldn’t be considered.
What we’re doing now isn’t working. Not only has the Washington Legislature failed to pass a gas tax increase over the past seven years but, should one pass, it wouldn’t keep up with our road maintenance needs. We need a new alternative.
Inslee’s proposal funds road operations and maintenance, and makes alternative transportation options more accessible. His plan is supported by the Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy: business, environmental, labor, faith and public health groups who are committed to reducing global warming, protecting consumers and strengthening Washington’s economy.
It’s unfair to label drivers as polluters when it’s big oil companies that have controlled our fuel choices. If they wanted, they could invest in clean energy, cut pollution and create local jobs. But they’ve refused, and charging them for their pollution is the best way to hold them accountable and level the playing field for cleaner energy options, while funding our urgent transportation needs.
Peter Melville