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Leave teens alone, Baumgartner

On Feb. 4, Senate Labor and Commerce Committee Chairman Mike Baumgartner proposed lowering wages for our working teenagers. Claiming that one size fits all hurts teens, he wants to drop their hourly pay from $9.47 to $7.25. This helps our working teens? Really?

It’s quite obvious his children aren’t teenagers yet because he would understand the simple math of allowances. He also wants this change to gradually adjust as the teen ages. Who will regulate this? Bigger government?

Getting what he wants for the restaurants, retailers, supermarkets and small business lobbyists that have him in their back pocket, but teens need lobbyists, too. Sad but true.

Why would anyone want to take a couple dollars away from teenagers supporting themselves, trying to save for college or at college, or helping with their family income? It doesn’t make sense until you look at this senator’s voting record: ranked 100 percent by the National Federation of Independent Business. On that record he is not a senator for the people, he is merely a corporate tool.

He should leave those kids alone.

Stuart Smith


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