Won’t hurt a bit: Garry Middle School student Justin Smith, 13, reacts to a shot in the soft part of his arm by school nurse Kristi Archer during an immunization clinic at Rogers High School on Monday. The clinic, open to all school-age kids, offered vaccinations to all children who didn’t have documentation of past immunizations filed with Spokane Public Schools. The district’s new, tough stance on immunizations resulted in many more students either completing immunizations or filing a waiver. Spokane Public Schools also carried out 143 emergency expulsions. Spokane Regional Health District administered 132 shots to 82 students. The number of students out of compliance dropped from more than 900 to 551 on Monday. (Jesse Tinsley)
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Won’t hurt a bit: Garry Middle School student Justin Smith, 13, reacts to a shot in the soft part of his arm by school nurse Kristi Archer during an immunization clinic at Rogers High School on Monday. The clinic, open to all school-age kids, offered vaccinations to all children who didn’t have documentation of past immunizations filed with Spokane Public Schools. The district’s new, tough stance on immunizations resulted in many more students either completing immunizations or filing a waiver. Spokane Public Schools also carried out 143 emergency expulsions. Spokane Regional Health District administered 132 shots to 82 students. The number of students out of compliance dropped from more than 900 to 551 on Monday.