That’s News to you answers
Here are the answers to this week’s quiz:
1. A. Pavement first came to Spokane in 1893, thanks to cyclists. The path was about 5 feet wide and ran next to Broadway Avenue. The city’s bicycle tax, passed in 1889, paid for the work, and the path was used exclusively by wheelmen, as they were called.
2. C. The team last made it to the Elite Eight in 1999. This year’s team set a school record for wins, with 35, and lost only three times, in Houston to Duke by a score of 66-52, at Arizona in December by a score of 66-63 in overtime, and 73-70 to BYU at home in February.
3. C. Property owners would coat the eggs with corn oil to prevent the eggs from continued growth. Covering the eggs with oil is intended to address the likely scenario of a hen producing another clutch of eggs if the original eggs are removed.
4. E. The Atlanta defendants, including teachers, a principal and other administrators, were accused of falsifying test results to collect bonuses or keep their jobs in the city’s 50,000-student school system. The racketeering charges carry up to 20 years in prison.
5. D. Eastern Washington’s Tyler Harvey plans to forgo his final year of college to pursue a professional career.
On the Web: Try your hand at our quiz at, where all entrants are eligible to win movie tickets and our overall champ wins a $50 gift card to the Davenport Hotel.
Last week’s winners are James Martin, of Spokane, who won the gift card, and Gene Syme, of Spokane, who won the movie tickets.