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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The Slice: It’s a wise move if you want the ultimate last laugh

I wonder who in the Inland Northwest has changed his or her will the greatest number of times.

Let’s move on.

Going down: What went through your mind when you realized you were going to fall off a ladder?

Insufficient evidence that your home is haunted: 1. You can’t find your keys. 2. That last piece of pie has disappeared. 3. Your cat keeps getting up and moving to a different room. 4. Someone or something keeps recording “Herbie: Fully Loaded.” 5. There’s a funny valerian smell.

Closet space: “Twice per year, spring and fall, there is a trading out of short sleeve shirts for long sleeves and sweaters,” wrote Curt Olsen. “Each time I wrestle for weeks with whether or not it is too soon to switch, even though they go to a spare bedroom closet across the hall and are easily accessed if needed. It is a habit I hope I have not passed on to the next generation.”

Slice readers Sandy and Luis ask: “Who has the smallest house in Spokane?”

Slice answer: “So, I know the question is about married couples, and I am single, but I think the assumptions that parents have about non-parents are universal,” wrote Sarah Hanley.

Here’s her list.

“1. That they are ‘waiting’ to have kids because we are somehow ‘not ready.’ The assumption is that everyone wants to or should procreate. Why? Really, why?

“2. That people who don’t have children are ‘selfish.’ Hmmm … I give a lot to my friends, family and community (i.e. people I am not legally obligated to care for) because I have the time and energy to do so.

“3. That we are ‘immature.’ The assumption being that a person only attains emotional growth through making decisions for a child? This is suspect at best.”

Warm-up question: When you are glancing at the divorce listings and see the names of a couple you know slightly, is it possible to avoid speculation about the causes?

Today’s Slice question: How many people do you know who were born the same month you were?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; email Your personality may or may not resemble that of a character in the old TV Western, “The Big Valley.”

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