A wonderland of trucks and a police motorcycle, too

Alicia Hauff brought her 6-year-old son Marcus to the Junior League of Spokane’s fourth annual Touch a Truck event.
“It’s cool,” she said. “It’s definitely his dream world.”
She snapped pictures as Marcus sat behind the wheel of a big green tractor, then climbed out and crouched in front of the tractor’s bucket. One of his first stops was a city of Spokane garbage truck in which he worked the controls.
The event brought together a Spokane Fire Department engine, a recycling truck, a tow truck, a street sweeper, an ambulance, a monster truck and trucks belonging to Avista Utilities and Inland Power and Light.
There were also two police cars and a police motorcycle – which still generated excitement even though they weren’t trucks.
“Its trucks of all kinds,” said event volunteer Amber Rush, who pointed out a hearse and an armored truck. “We try to get as diverse an array of trucks as possible.”
There were 30 trucks on site, said Junior League president Jackie Worobec. The organization hopes to raise $5,000 to put on their annual Santa breakfast for foster children. Entry was $5 per person or $4 and a can of food. Cans were donated to the Salvation Army Food Bank.
“It’s a fun day,” Worobec said. “Beautiful weather, thank goodness.”
Horns sounded constantly as youngsters took turns sitting behind the wheels of the big trucks. One of the more popular photo opportunities was the Hills Automotive monster truck. Young children stood upright under the truck and posed next to tires taller than themselves.
Michelle Thaxton brought her 5-year-old son, Jordan, back for his second visit. The family first visited the event two years ago.
“It’s a blast,” Thaxton said. “Here’s a chance for him to talk to police officers and firefighters.”
Young Jordan Thaxton declared the fire truck his favorite because of the siren. As he thought harder about his favorite, he noted that he really liked the garbage truck, too.
“Now that he’s older, he’s a little more adventurous,” his mother said.