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It is an election

On Sept. 12, Judy Lamont warned readers that she “believes there is an organized effort to defeat (Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers) in the coming election … that may influence the uninformed.”

First, well, it is an election, and McMorris Rodgers does have an opponent, so, yes, there is an organized effort to defeat her. Campaigns are by definition designed to influence.

Second, Lamont complains about letters full of only “opinionated generalities.” When I hear McMorris Rodgers actually speak that’s all I hear her say, and I don’t need someone giving me talking points to vote against her.

Three, I sure wish that The Spokesman-Review would re-allow online comments to letters. Make posters use their real names to cut down on the name calling, but allow open debate on these issues. Then Lamont can comment directly to those letters she finds objectionable and point out just where the writer is misinformed.

Barbara Murphy


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