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The Slice: Let’s face it: There’s still time to watch the grass grow

Yes, the leaves are changing color.

But if someone you know already has his or her rake out, it might be time to organize an intervention.

Let’s move on.

Slice answer: “Modesty should prevent me from writing this, but here it is,” wrote Marge Huntington, of Spokane Valley. “When it comes to being a humanitarian, I believe that I may qualify as a true champion for the ‘chronologically enhanced.’

“TV commercials would have us believe that ‘one in three’ seniors will fall this year. As of a few days ago, two more of my peers are safe for the year because I stumbled and smacked my head on the door sill. No damage, except for a rather large knot. But as my scarred shins, knees and elbows will attest, I’ve ‘taken the fall’ for at least 50 of my geriatric brothers and sisters over the last decade or so.

“Even my own doctor calls me Crash and Burn. All things considered, as a post-retirement career, I might have preferred to find a cure for HIV or cancer, bring peace to mankind, or write a Pulitzer Prize-winning book, but oh well. It’s not the best job in the world, and certainly not the least painful, but it appears to be my destiny.”

What 6-year-olds like to eat: Lois Stewart said great-granddaughter Danica Bell-Lutrick enjoys cottage cheese.

And radishes, tomatoes, olives, cucumbers, broccoli and chicken, among other things.

One more example of “Oz”-speak in everyday life: There’s a little window near the front door at Martin Alcorn’s house. His wife, Linda, has been known to open it when people approach the porch and demand, “Who wants to see the wizard?”

“It startles some people,” said Alcorn.

Inland Northwest high school sports mascots: Responding readers like the Davenport Gorillas and Clark Fork Wampus Cats.

Not so much the Orofino Maniacs.

One reader wonders: “How can my dog read my mind?” wrote Leanne Schillinger.

She said the pooch, a mastiff, goes into hiding when Schillinger quietly starts making behind-the-scenes preparations to give the canine a bath.

Today’s Slice question: What special-theme license plate would you like to see?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Oregon 91, WSU 3.

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