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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spokane clubs

Special interest

Spokane Authors and Self-Publishers – Meets the first Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. at the Golden Corral. Call David McChesney at (509) 325-2072 or visit

Spokane Falls Needlework Guild – For location and time, call Beth Riley, (509) 466-6376.

Spokane Novelists Group – Writers support/critique group, open to anyone with an interest in writing fiction. Participants should bring 5 to 10 pages to read aloud and 6 to 8 copies for others to read along and critique. Monthly meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month, at noon at the Otis Orchards Community Church, 23304 E. Wellesley Ave., Otis Orchards. (509) 590-7316.

Spokane Valley Camera Club - Meets every third and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p.m., September-April in the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District building, 22510 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. Visit or call Susie at (509) 951-1446.

Spokane Soaring Society – For people who enjoy flying sailplanes and gliders. Call (509) 466-0206.

Shuttlebirds Tatting Guild – Meets the first Saturday of the month, noon-3 p.m., Lidgerwood Presbyterian Church 4449 N Nevada. For information, call (509) 624-7611 or visit

Upper Columbia Resource Conservation and Development Council – Meets the second Wednesday of the month, 9:30 a.m.-noon, RC&D Conference Room, 8815 E. Mission Ave., Suite B, Spokane Valley; (509) 924-7350, Ext. 119.

Wanderers Auto Club – Family-oriented, classic car enthusiast group. Meets the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Spike’s Restaurant, 718 E. Francis Ave. For more information, call R. Hensley at (509) 327-1965.

Washington State Quilter’s: Spokane Chapter – Meets the fourth Thursday of the month in January, April, July and September. Meetings held at 1 and 7 p.m., CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. For more information visit

Youth With Epilepsy Social Group – Youth ‘N Action and Epilepsy Foundation Spokane are hosting an ongoing series of free events for youth with epilepsy, including movie nights, bowling, and more, depending on what the youth decide. Currently looking for youth ages 14-21 that are interested in participating. Call (509) 325-1128 or (800) 752-3509 or visit for more information.


AARP Chapter 384 – Open to anyone over 50. Meets the fourth Thursday of every month (except July, August and December), 11:30 a.m., The Golden Corral Buffet, 7117 N. Division St. Meetings include a no host lunch, guest speaker, business meeting with legislative updates and local events. Cost is $3 per year. Call (509) 468-0275 or email for more information.

American Business Women’s Association Spokane Falls Chapter – Group providing personal growth and opportunity to businesswomen through leadership, education, networking and national recognition. Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m., Perkin’s Restaurant, 12 E. Olive Ave.; Nancy Anderson, (509) 325-4967.

Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance – Meets the third Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6 with a speaker, at Red Lion Hotel at the Park, 303 W. North River Drive. For more information, call Lisa Kroiss at (509) 535-7464.

City of Spokane Design Review Committee – Meetings are open to the public, meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 5:30 p.m., council briefing room, basement level of City Hall. Agenda items are available the week before the meeting. For more information, call (509) 625-6082.

Gavelier Toastmasters – Public communication club, healping to build confidence and public speaking. Meets Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m., Something Else Deli, 152 S. Sherman St. Call Dick (509) 747-1335.

Hispanic Business and Professional Association – Club strives to promote business opportunities through educational, cultural and social interactions. Call (509) 533-3405, email, or visit for more information.

To have your club or organization that is open to the public included in this listing, send relevant information, including the daytime phone number for a contact, to: The Spokesman-Review, Editorial Department, Club Listings, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210.