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How will I-1351 work?

I have been a teacher for 15 years, most of them at the K-5 level. In 2000, the people of Washington passed Initiative 728 by 72 percent. This was to reduce class size. In 2012, the Senate repealed this initiative. Now, in 2014, the Washington Education Association is sponsoring Initiative 1351.

Chuck Hafner’s Aug. 30 commentary supports I-1351, which calls for class size reduction. Just think, our rank would rise from 47th in class size in the nation to who knows what? Our students would get the education they deserve. But at what cost? I’ve heard as much as $1 billion.

The state struggles to find money to meet their paramount duty to fully fund education. How then will it find money to pay for I-1351? I really struggle to support I-1351.

I am a wholehearted union supporter. I truly believe in smaller class sizes for all. But in light of the McCleary court case, I don’t think our Legislature can fund I-1351. Instead, I believe we need to convince our legislators to meet their paramount duty. That includes reducing K-12 class sizes. We don’t need an initiative for that. The courts have made it clear what our legislators need to do.

Ramona Hoff

Reardan, Wash.

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