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Reinstate the COLA

The Washington Supreme Court’s decision against the reinstatement of the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for public employees was a severe financial setback for retirees. In 1995, the Legislature merged and replaced all other COLAs with the UCOLA, and in 2011 they eliminated it.

I retired in 1997 after 25 years of employment with the state of Washington under Plan 1, Public Employees Retirement System. State retirees under some plans will receive a small cost-of-living increase in their retirement checks this year. I will not. I am 79 years old.

The Legislature determined that they could defer paying their promised percentage of salaries into the retirement plans for a period of time during my employment. My deduction from my salary continued and was paid into the plan. The Legislature did set up a plan to retire the unfunded liability. In other words: pay the plans what was due. Plan I, under which I was employed, was never fully (re)funded. Other plans, at this time, are well-funded.

I believe the Legislature should rectify this error and restore the Plan I COLA. A COLA would help offset increases in my Medicare (health insurance) supplement premiums.

Zona Spaeth


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