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Peace is the vets’ friend

Declining the local frenzy to honor random participants in military violence this November, Spokane Veterans for Peace will join embattled peacemakers making a rare statement of reason in Auburn’s excessive Veterans Day Parade.

Spokane hails former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, mistress of pre-emptive war and senseless torture, as a patriotic paragon. Eastern Washington University football tastelessly touts things military regardless of sacrifices or crimes. Bobby Brett inexplicably apologizes to military mavens for the childish behavior of young athletes with meager reason to respect our national anthem. He should apologize to the singer instead of exposing these youngsters to some of the few Americans we encourage to be more violent than hockey players. Amid a decade-long federal effort to glorify our pathetic bloodbath in Vietnam, Hanford nuke-builders will be honored for winning, instead of fueling, the Cold War.

War has no winners, and veterans have no better friends than those who demand peace.

Rusty Nelson


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