Vote for court reforms
If you have not studied the Spokane County District Court races, please do. The current District Court needs some changes. The recent, well-received “A Blueprint for Reform” to improve our region’s criminal justice system recommended many improvements. However, several District Court judges are discounting the need for reforms within their court even though a significant number of the groups testifying before the commission expressed concern with this court.
By electing new judges, as long as they are highly qualified, we can change the culture of the court. Aimee Maurer, Position 7, would be an excellent addition. Go to her website to see her qualifications and varied endorsements from judges and other community leaders, including Rep. Kevin Parker, mayors David Condon and Steve Peterson, Spokane Council President Ben Stuckart, and council members Mike Fagan and Amber Waldref.
Position 2, vote for Chris Bugbee. Having been both a prosecuting and defense attorney, he knows what reforms are needed.
Finally, vote to retain Judge Richard Leland. Appointed over a year ago, he is highly respected in Spokane and continually searches for ways to improve any system to benefit our community. But to be most effective, he needs more colleagues who also are advocates of reform.
Gretchen McDevitt