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Tea party not to blame

In his recent letter, Bob Pritchard criticizes an earlier letter writer’s suggestion that we “vote out incumbents” and “vote new people in.” In defense of his argument, he proceeds to perpetuate the Democrat – and media-manufactured myth – that the tea party was responsible for last year’s government shutdown and the current gridlock. If this claim were true, fewer than 20 people held some kind of spell over the other 500-plus in the House and Senate.

Pritchard says it is “unfortunate” that “big money controls politicians,” and “party majorities control what does or does not get done,” yet he appears to suggest that we practice a voting philosophy that would preserve that status quo.

If the voter does not feel represented by either of the prominent parties’ agendas then, as our founders declared, “it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Don Hood

Spokane Valley

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