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Let the kids swing

I read with great interest the Oct. 8 article, “Working a swing shift.” The article addresses concerns of the Spokane Public School District (and other local districts) over the safety and space limitations of keeping swing sets in our schools’ playgrounds. It goes on to say that only two swing sets remain in the district.

In this litigious time of folks wanting to sue over the most common trivial aspects of daily life, I am not surprised to see this becoming an issue. However, children need to have play in their lives. Swinging is one of the most popular forms of play and has been for generations.

If we have to ask parents to sign liability waivers regarding playground safety in our schools, perhaps we should do that. I hope it doesn’t come to that.

Finally, the fact that a brand new eight-unit swing set installed at the school in my neighborhood seems to have been overlooked in this article. That fact undermines the credibility of the article.

Really? Removing swing sets? What is this going to solve? Kids will play and kids will get hurt playing.

Michael Paul


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