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Unload I-594

I’m absolutely astounded by the misinformation put out by the media and liberal, “do-good” organizations on gun issues. They keep saying background checks will save thousands of lives by stopping people who should not have guns from getting them, with zero facts to back them up.

Would I-594 have stopped the shootings at Columbine and Sandy Hook, or that of Rep. Gabby Giffords? The answer is no. How many of the purported 40,000 people stopped from getting guns in Washington were prosecuted. Answer: None. Why?

I-594 is 18 pages of non-understandable language. One thing for sure: I-594 is unenforceable, will cost a lot of money for gun buyers in administrative costs charged by licensed dealers to do the background paperwork, and could make it take up to 60 days to transfer a gun to a buyer.

Initiative 591 is one page, and is based on federal gun laws. It will not cost anything for the private individual to buy or sell a gun. Unless all states have the same laws, one state’s laws will not work. Just go to another state.

If you want to have less government involvement in your life, vote for I-591.

Wayne Lythgoe


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