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The Slice: The soft-sell approach on humidity

A friend up in Pend Oreille County saw the Slice item about relative humidity.

She and her husband used to visit her parents in Florida. “By the end of our week there, my skin was so soft.”

Then she would get off the plane back in Spokane. “I swear I could feel the moisture leaving my body. No amount of lotion ever makes the skin feel so lovely as high humidity. Not that I’d want to live there.”

Close encounter of the rodent kind: “I had to smile at the question regarding mice sounds in walls,” wrote Sue Riener.

“I told my husband for several days that there must be a mouse somewhere in the house, as I could hear it. I went to bed early once night, and was sound asleep when I felt an odd scampering in my hair. Of course, I knew immediately what it was.

“I screamed loudly, pulled the mouse out of my hair and threw it across the room. My husband came running and turned on the light to see that poor mouse stumbling about and me telling him to catch it.

“About the time he understood the situation, the mouse took off.

“I left for the three days it took him to catch the critter. This is the story that comes up every time he doubts what I have to tell him.”

Slice answer (sandwich protocols): “Back in the early ’60s my mom used to babysit two young girls every day,” wrote Ken Stout. “She once asked them if they wanted butter first on the PB&J she was making.”

One of the girls answered right away: “Good grief, no.”

When your wedding isn’t the only big news: “My soon-to-be husband returned from Vietnam in July 1969,” wrote Carlene Chase. “We applied for a marriage license on Friday. Since there was a three-day waiting period we had to wait until Monday to pick it up. We were planning a small family wedding for that evening.

“Well, the moon landing happened on Sunday. In honor of that, President Nixon declared a national holiday, so all government offices were closed. No license – no wedding!

“Fortunately, everything went according to plan the next day. It must have been a good omen. The marriage lasted 43 wonderful years until my husband’s passing two years ago.”

Today’s Slice question: How would viewers react if you were made a Spokane TV news anchor?

Write The Slice at P. O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Most responding readers said honking at drivers who are texting might make a bad situation worse.

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