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Vote yes for Riverfront

Riverfront Park is Spokane’s jewel and centerpiece; probably our city’s greatest natural asset and the legacy of our city’s greatest achievement, Expo ’74. However, this jewel is looking tired. It has aged and tarnished with 40 years of heavy use, failing infrastructure, worn-out bridges and pathways and venues designed for temporary fairground uses in 1974. It is a testimony to the value and attraction of this wonderful place that people still use and enjoy the park as much as they do.

But Riverfront Park needs to be better. We need to renew it, reinvigorate it and capitalize on its potential for the next 40 years. The Pavilion has deteriorated and its activities are withering. It needs a major upgrade. The carrousel needs a home that’s not a remodeled Bavarian beer parlor. The ice rink needs to be pulled out of its hiding place and featured.

We need a town square as a venue for Pig Out, Hoopfest and Bloomsday – and more. And we need improved circulation to tie it all together; with lighting, safety features and infrastructure to support events.

We can do all of this with no increase in tax rate. Please reinvest. Vote yes for parks.

Steven McNutt


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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