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The Slice: Time to make room, Moose

I will send a coveted reporter’s notebook to the Slice reader submitting the best brief proposal for expanding the Marmot Lodge into a national organization.

Yes, I know the local lodge does not have a track record of actually accomplishing anything. And, yes, I am aware of the trends dragging down fraternal orders in recent decades.

But I would really like to be responsible for bringing a national convention to Spokane. And you know me. I’m a SpoCan guy.

So what could we offer potential Marmots in Erie or Eau Claire besides the lodge’s traditional attractions – no meetings and no dues?

Just wondering: If you see people apparently texting while driving, should you honk at them?

Warm-up question: Which is the best way to interrogate a preschooler? A) “I ask you now, for the record, did you take that cookie?” B) “Is there something you want to tell me?” C) “So, it is your claim that Baby Kitty masterminded the whole thing?” D) “I’m funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you?” E) “You lookin’ at me?” F) “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?” G) Other.

Today’s Slice question: There is a special kind of “What if…” game people who moved to the Spokane area as adults play.

It involves speculating about how their lives might be different if they had grown up here.

You know. “What if my childhood had taken place in Spokane? Would it have been even more ‘Leave it to Beaver’-esque than the one I actually lived? Or what would it have been like to have spent my 20s here? Would being single here at that age have been one long adult-content adventure or a lockstep march toward a too-soon marriage?”

There are limitations to the interest many Spokane natives have in the perspectives of transplants. I get that. But if lifers will just bear with me on this one, here’s the question.

When you try to picture living here during parts of your life spent elsewhere, what images come to mind?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Has Washington’s marijuana law made a difference in the number of people offering geologically long retellings of their dreams?

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