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Beggs to bring justice

As a person who has volunteered in various settings over the 50 years of my adult life, in areas of domestic violence, suicide, mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness, feeding programs, LGBT rights and peace and justice issues for the community of others, I was quite impressed with Breean Beggs and his efforts on my return to Spokane in 2005.

My observations and participation with him in efforts to bring voice and recognition to efforts to provide justice for all, as guaranteed in our Constitution, have marked a slow and steady progression to his choice to run for Spokane County prosecutor.

As a person of absolute integrity, honesty and fearless engagement in issues that our city and county leaders avoided facing and lied about, Beggs will bring a sea of change to the office of county prosecutor.

Simply read the list of endorsements for each of the two candidates. You will be persuaded as to whose side each of the men vying for office has supporting them. It’s a simple choice.

My vote is for Breean Beggs. It is time for him to come in from the outside edges, having fostered large changes in our justice system from there, and finish the heavy lifting in effecting change on the inside of that office.

John Olsen


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