Not a voice for women
I see another letter was printed from a very misinformed Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers supporter.
Carolyn Williams (“Re-elect Cathy McMorris Rodgers,” Sept. 27) didn’t do her homework very well. Williams said, “Cathy is a strong voice for women and supports legislation with child care and equal pay.”
Really? Is that why McMorris Rodgers voted against the Lily Ledbetter Act, which was for equal pay for women? She also voted to drastically cut food stamps to help needy families. How is that “helping women and their families”?
I believe McMorris Rodgers is far from being a “voice for women.” She is, in my opinion, not a voice for women at all. If you want equality for women in the 5th District, vote for Joe Pakootas.
Elizabeth Bowman