Creating criminals
Way to go state of Washington, or should I say King County. Or, put another way: “Just because you have all the money and not just in Washington, but all the way to New York, you get to make the laws.”
Let’s take a look at what you paid for with Initiative 594. You took a lot of good, honest, law-abiding Washington citizens and you made them criminals. And law enforcement does not have the money or manpower to enforce it.
Here is what you also did, or what you paid for. When the numbers don’t go down on gun violence, I guess you can blame East Coast money or influence, or you can look at all the good it did. Call New Jersey. More gun laws than common sense and two of the most violent cities in America.
I guess I don’t understand why you keep making laws to make it harder for me to get a gun. The criminal doesn’t obey the law. Is there another way to explain it?
Paul Carpenter