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Burying a scandal

Why does The Spokesman-Review relegate an important story about the corruptness of the writing of the Affordable Care Act to the back page of the Nov. 15 newspaper? Does it not mean anything to your readers that this piece of important legislation was written with duplicity, malice, deceit and perniciousness?

Jonathan Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who was a paid consultant on the ACA, claims that the “stupidity of the American voter” helped pass this controversial legislation, and your readers find a reprint from the Associated Press not worthy of the front page? No, instead we get pictures and photographs of 38 bearded men, plus Shawn Vestal!

Gruber’s revelations are undoubtedly as big a story as the 1971 disclosures of the Pentagon Papers.

To me, your editors are showing a lackadaisical indifference to what is relevant and significant in the news. Every American should be outraged that the ACA was torpedoed through the U.S. Senate in the middle of the night. Now, the truth is revealed that much of the legislation is fraudulent.

How can such fallacious behavior of the U.S. Senate prevail? U.S. law is supposed to be a model of honesty, yet critical resources are wasted on this huge improbity.

Jack Abel


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