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Angry white man

As someone already angry in the late 1980s and early ’90s, I used to drive around Portland and Vancouver listening to Rush Limbaugh explain to me what was wrong with this country. I did that for, oh, maybe six months.

Then I realized that Limbaugh was limited in his themes and style. He had no solutions, only ways of making me stay irrationally mad.

A few years ago, jawing about angry racial minorities he had this to say: “They believe they’ve been cheated; they’ve been discriminated against. They’re taught this country is unfair, unethical and discriminatory. They’re taught that this country is immoral and unjust.”

Yep, for years old Limbaugh has worked over his own angry minority: gullible white men. His quote above describes to a “T” what he, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and local radio yokels whining about liberals and Democrats have been doing for years to earn a buck.

I’m an angry white man myself; angry at anyone still gullible enough to swear by what them snake oil guys keep selling.

Arthur Ruger


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