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Mideast peace a mirage

The Spokesman-Review’s articles about violence in Israel and the threats of recognition by Europeans of a Palestinian state truly underscore why peace in the region is a mirage.

In the past month, Israeli civilians at railroad and bus stations have been murdered by Palestinians via stabbings, shootings and cars. The new light rail system in Jerusalem has been vandalized by Arabs, and riots at religious sites in Jerusalem have occurred. The Palestinian leadership (unelected) has continued to incite aggression by glorifying killers as martyrs and instilling hatred in schools and mosques, all of which are underreported by Western media. Furthermore, translate the speeches, articles or videos in the Arab community and you’ll never find an acceptance of Israel, or a declaration of social and political democratic principles to improve the lives of Arab citizens.

Statehood requires recognizable borders based on legal, historical facts and a viable, elected government not engaged in hostilities with neighboring United Nations-recognized countries. This does not exist on the West Bank of the Jordan River in Israel. What does exist is a terrorist Palestinian (Hamas) state in Gaza firing missiles behind human shields and civilian buildings. Let’s see foreign governments recognize this “nation.”

Joseph Harari


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