Spokane Arena to host 2016 men’s NCAA games
The Spokane Arena has landed second- and third-round games of the NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament for the 2016 season, the NCAA announced on Monday.
The University of Idaho will host the Arena games.
Regionals in 2016 will be played in Philadelphia; Chicago; Louisville, Kentucky; and Anaheim, California.
The Spokane Arena is also the site of the 2015 NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship Spokane Regional (March 28 and 30). Tickets for that event are already on sale at TicketsWest.com. Customers purchasing tickets for the 2015 event will be placed on a priority waiting list for tickets to the 2016 men’s tournament games in Spokane.
Washington State University is the host of the 2015 Women’s Regional and hosted the 2014 men’s subregional at the Arena.