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Don’t attack voters

Kenneth Delanoy Sr. (“Undo I-594 mess,” Nov. 13) doesn’t like the outcome of Initiative 594. And the 59 percent of voters who passed the initiative are “dumb and dumber” because they don’t share his viewpoint. He assumes they either didn’t read the whole initiative, or if they did, they were too stupid to understand it. It’s unfortunate that he has such a dim view of his fellow citizens.

As we all know, in a democracy sometimes you win and sometimes your side loses. Either way, the voters have spoken. Attacking people for their votes is the wrong thing to do. If you don’t like the outcome, then work to change it, but ranting letters won’t change anything. Given the fact that nationally only 30 percent of eligible voters cast their vote, we need to encourage more voting, not less.

I took my first National Rifle Association gun safety class when I was 8 years old and have been a gun owner for as long as I can remember. I read the amendment and voted yes for I-594. I don’t believe the bill was written to trap honest gun owners. It won’t solve all the problems with guns, but anything that may help stop another Newtown (Connecticut) massacre gets my vote.

Jim Boggs


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