Volunteer opportunities
American Cancer Society Discovery Shop - Volunteers are needed for the Discovery Shop, 805 W. Garland Ave., for help with a number of duties. Call Joanne at (509) 465-1607.
Anna Ogden Hall Long Term Recovery Shelter - Volunteer opportunities include in the nursery and kitchen; various program class teachers; reception work; and help in the medical clinic. Required introductory classes are offered three times per month. For more information, call (509) 535-8510 or visit www.ugmspokane.org.
Camp Fire USA Inland Northwest Council - Opportunities are available to be a club co-leader in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Contact Marcia Asmussen, program coordinator, at (509) 747-6191.
Catholic Charities - Drivers are needed to deliver “brown bags” to those in need of meals. Volunteers must pass a Washington State Patrol background check, have a valid driver’s license and a vehicle to use for food deliveries and be able to lift and carry bags weighing 8 to 10 pounds. Call Cyndie Lapke at (509) 459-6172, email clapke@ccspokane.org or visit www.catholiccharitiesspokane.org.