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Undo I-594 mess

Congratulation to the dumb and dumber voters who voted for Initiative 594 and gave Michael Bloomberg a big foothold in Washington for future gun laws. Bloomberg spent more than $1 million and convinced the big spenders on the West Side to support I-594 so Washington would be safer from gun violence.

It won’t happen under I-594, but what will happen: I-594 will trap honest, law-abiding firearms owners who slip up and fall prey to the loopholes in I-594. If caught breaking the law, they will be felons who can’t own firearms.

Do you get it? They wrote this bill to trap gun owners, and that is why Bloomberg invested so heavily in getting it passed. He wants your guns. Get it? Eighteen pages the dumb and dumber voters never read. An unwritten requirement of voters is be informed.

Vote with your head, not your heart. If you don’t understand an item on the ballot, vote no or leave it blank. I-594 gave Washington gun owners a black eye. We need to undo this mess.

Kenneth Delanoy Sr.


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