Airway Heights fire levy fails
The Airway Heights Fire Department’s proposed levy to fund emergency medical service has been rejected by voters.
The EMS levy, which would have raised about $114,000 a year, was one of the few remaining results that was too-close-too-call after ballot counting from the Nov. 4 election ended last week.
After the tally on Election night, the measure had 59.4 percent support. But support dropped in Wednesday’s count to 57.4 percent support. It needed 60 percent to pass. There are about 60 ballots left to count in Airway Heights, but nearly every one of those would have to support the levy to reach the needed threshold.
The six-year levy would have paid to replace equipment, including three automatic defibrillators that cost about $23,000 each, city officials said before the election. The six-year levy would have cost property owners 25 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.