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Wissink is prepared

I was glad to see The Spokesman-Review recently capture the essence of a campaign that has received little attention. The headline, “Modernization is key goal for county clerk candidates,” reflects that each candidate recognizes the need for an efficiency overhaul in our clerk’s office. So, who has the experience and relevant training to get the job done?

Mary Wissink has over 25 years of Spokane County Courthouse experience, including over a decade as judicial assistant to a Superior Court judge. Her opponent is described in the S-R as “busy learning the intricacies of keeping records for the Superior Court.” He has under six months of experience, yet points to his prior military career as a comparable qualification.

As a seasoned military aviator with over 9,000 hours in the air, I am much more capable in the cockpit today than when I was earning my wings. When you are trusted with a multimillion-dollar piece of taxpayer machinery, confidence is key, but you better not learn your limitations the hard way. Similarly, we can’t afford the appointed incumbent’s on-the-job training experiment in the county courthouse.

Mary Wissink has the experience for this position, and my vote to work as our county clerk.

Andrew Rathbun


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