Spokane Clubs
Junior League of Spokane – An organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The group reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to volunteerism. Meets the third Thursday of the month, 6 p.m., at various locations. For more information, call (509) 328-2801, email jlspokane@qwestoffice.net or visit www.jlspokane.org.
Ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority – Workshops held second Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone St.; (509) 270-1629.
Lamplighters Toastmasters – Meets Mondays, 6:15-7:30 a.m., Perkins Restaurant, 12 E. Olive Ave.; (509) 990-5066.
Liberty Lakers Toastmasters Club – Meets Wednesdays, 5:45-7 p.m., at the Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District, 22510 E. Mission Ave. Contact Dave at (509) 714-3694.
Lilac City Cribbage Club – Open to anyone interested in playing cribbage. Held Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., at the Puerto Vallarta Restaurant, 6915 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley. Call (310) 621-3897 or (509) 477-9090, email bill@playcribbage.com or visit www.playcribbage.com for more information.
Lilac City Good Sams RV Club – For people who enjoy recreational vehicle travel, midweek camping and winter luncheons; call (509) 326-6340 or (509) 328-6860.