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No choice in the 4th

A writer recently bemoaned the lack of voter participation in elections, especially midterm elections. I think I can shed a little light on the subject.

In the 4th Legislative District races for state representatives, there are two positions open with two candidates for each. All four are Republicans. According to their statements in a debate, all four believe the human race bears no responsibility for global warming. All four think Obamacare should be revoked. All four are opposed to legal abortions.

So, they are all egotists who think their opinion has more validity than the research-based conclusions of more than 90 percent of climatologists. They must have delusions of grandeur if they think Obamacare is going away. And their attitude toward women reminds me of Kaiser Wilhelm II, who relegated them to children, kitchen, church (“Kinder, Kache, Kirche”).

So, as a voter in the 4th District, I have a choice between tweedledumb and tweedledumber. Why should I vote for them? For that matter, why should someone who agrees with them bother to vote for them? They’re almost interchangeable.

We’d have more choices if we drew names out of a hat.

Larry Blanchard

Spokane Valley

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