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Leland a good judge

Richard Leland is the man for Spokane County District Court judge, Position No. 8.

I know Leland, and he is a good judge. He is smart, civil and respectful to all parties. Being civil and respectful are important because they are signs of intelligence and maturity.

He has a strong and extensive background in the world of finance and is not afraid to look at any balance sheet or income statement. This ability allows him to be very discerning about financial documents that are part of a case. This has led to smarter justice and quicker hearings that benefit both clients and attorneys.

We as taxpayers also benefit from Leland’s financial background. Judges have administrative duties. He is able to be a good steward of our taxpayer money and is able to make meaningful and appropriate changes despite limited resources.

In addition, he has a well-established background in business and family law, which is a great asset when dealing with search warrants and domestic violence restraining orders.

Please join me in voting for Richard Leland for District Court judge.

James Johnson


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