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Hitching Post is wrong

As a Christian, I would like to apologize to anyone who is offended or upset by the recent antics in Coeur d’Alene.

Gay people are now legally permitted to be married in Idaho. The good folks at The Hitching Post Wedding Chapel somehow don’t think this law should apply to them. They justify this stand by saying it is a “religious issue.” But it is not a religious issue.

The Bible very clearly says that Christians are required to follow the laws of the land. If we look at the example set by the churches throughout Idaho, they all follow the laws of the state. All businesses operating in Idaho are expected to follow the laws.

So, this is not a religious issue. This is two people who, for whatever reason, do not think the laws should apply to them. If I were a resident of Coeur d’Alene, I would be very upset that my tax dollars are being wasted in legal actions to get a business to follow the law.

Kelly Brown


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