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Fitzgerald has strong resume

I am an employee in the Spokane County Clerk’s Office and a veteran of more than 21 years in the United States Army. I take great offense to Mary Wissink’s reported statement that Tim Fitzgerald’s military background is not the same as knowing how to serve the public. I would argue that his 30 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps as a helicopter pilot, commanding officer and chief of staff is almost the ultimate service to the public. Fitzgerald’s service to the public earned him a Bronze Star.

Wissink also stated that Fitzgerald’s experience is the key issue. She is exactly right. His experience as a leader, executive-level manager, financial manager and public servant far overshadows her experience. In fact, he has a wider, more diverse legal background than Wissink. His credentials far exceed hers when it comes to managing this executive level office.

Fitzgerald has the vision, leadership and management skills necessary to be an effective county clerk. He understands what the clerk’s role is, and is already a great county clerk.

Vote for Tim Fitzgerald as our Spokane County clerk.

Johnny Shaw


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