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Awaiting Otter’s departure

I can hardly wait. I’m counting the days until Gov. Butch Otter leaves office.

Why exactly is Otter running for a third term? Has he not brought Idaho about as low as it can go?

Otter has “invested” in tax cuts for the wealthiest among us while some of our schools have had to go to four-day weeks. Fact: Idaho spends less on education per student than any other state.

We’re dead last, and we’re next to dead last in per capita income. It’s rough working full time at the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and trying to climb out of poverty. Otter and his buddies should try living on $15,000 a year.

We desperately need to stop this downfall and vote for the other guy, A.J. Balukoff. Balukoff will clean up Otter’s mess and restore our basic values. He’s a very good guy, and he’ll be good for Idaho, good for us and a godsend for our children and grandchildren.

Dody Dozier


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