Galleries with new exhibits and receptions are indicated with a . For complete listings, see Please send information about upcoming exhibits to
Eastern Washington
Artisans at Dahmen Barn “Raw Energy,” vividly colored, heavily textured and patterned acrylic paintings. Highway 195 North, 419 Park Way. (509) 299-3414.
Avenue West Gallery Paintings by Adam Henawy, reflecting Sudanese culture and Darfurian folklore, the tragedies there and the movement of the people from camp to camp. 707 W. Main Ave., Suite B11. (509) 838-4999.
Bank Left Gallery “Interpretations of Light,” blending antiques and modern materials to create unique forms, functions and lighting, by Heidi Kite, through Saturday. 100 S. Bridge St., Palouse. (509) 878-8425.
Brick Wall Gallery “The Photogs: Redux,” annual display by a group of local photographic artists, including Tony Boccaccio, Joe Nuess, Rich Heinzen and Colin Mulvany. 530 W. Main Ave. (509) 928-7721.
CenterPlace “Act 2,” artwork created by Community Colleges of Spokane’s continuing education program for adults 50 and older. 2426 N. Discovery Place. (509) 279-6234.
Chase Gallery “Very Carefully,” group exhibition by four artists who pay attention to craftsmanship and detail with work including woodcarving, metal assemblage, painting and mosaic. 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (509) 625-6050.
Clearstory Art Gallery “Intersections and Crossings,” photography by Kathy Hastings, through Thursday. Life Center Foursquare Church, 1202 N. Government Way. (509) 499-2678.
Community School Art show with coffee and live music. Hosted by Kellie Paulsen and The Community School staff. 5-7 p.m. Friday. 1300 W. Knox Ave. Free admission. (509) 270-9854.
Freeman High School Spring Art Festival, a celebration of artists and the arts, with guest artists Mario Deleon, Gina Freuen and Don Audel. Also, a live auction featuring original artwork by Steve Adams, Harold Balazs, Kay O’Rourke, Gordon Wilson, Mel McCuddin, Larry Montgomery, Deb and Jason Sheldon, Ric Gendron and Ken Spiering. Live music and hands-on art will also be featured. Thursday. 6-8:30 p.m. 14626 S. Jackson Road (south of Highway 27), Freeman. $5/individual, $20/family. (509) 291-3721, ext. 206.
Jundt Art Museum, Gonzaga University Senior Thesis Art Exhibition highlighting the work of GU’s graduating seniors including David Ernst, Rachel Palmer and Michelle Stocking, through Saturday. Also: Legacy of the Kiln,” works of Terry Gieber and his former students, through June 7. 502 E. Boone Ave. (509) 313-6613.
Kolva-Sullivan Gallery “Contact Prints: Silver Platinum and Gold,” photographic prints by Kathy Kostelec and Bill Kostelec. 115 S. Adams St., Suite A. (509) 458-5517.
Lindaman’s Gourmet Bistro “Pointillism/Impressionism,” with pen on paper and color washes by David Young. 1235 S. Grand Blvd. (509) 838-3000.
Manic Moon Studio “Fantasy, Folklore & Fairy Tales,” works by Annie Libertini and Vicky Cavin, illuminated paintings by Chantelle Flint and photography by Lancer Roethle, through Saturday. 1007 W. Augusta Ave. (509) 413-9101.
Moses Lake Museum & Art Center “Side Stitched and In Between: Soap Lake through the Lens and More,” works portraying the landscape and character of this spa town. 401 S. Balsam St., Moses Lake. (509) 764-3830.
North Spokane Library “Hope in Hard Times: Washington During the Great Depression. Spokane County Library District is hosting this traveling exhibit curated by Humanities Washington. 44 E. Hawthorne Road. Free. (509) 893-8350.
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture “100 Stories”: Exhibit demonstrates the MAC’s role in maintaining, preserving and interpreting the region through themes of the American West. Throughout its two-year run, special programming will augment the “100 Stories,” including art and traditional craft demonstrations, living history programs, films and lectures. Also: “Meet Me at the Spot” features paintings, drawings, woodblock prints and ceramic works spanning several decades, by Patrick Siler. 2316 W. First Ave. $10/adults, $7.50/seniors, $5/students w/ID. (509) 363-5344.
Pottery Place Plus “Multitudes,” pottery and paintings by Dennis Smith, and jewelry and mixed media pieces by Lisa Maddux. 203 N. Washington St. (509) 327-6920.
Spokane Falls Community College “Ring of Fire,” installation by SuttonBeresCuller, a group of Seattle-based artists, through Thursday, with closing reception Thursday at noon. 3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive. (509) 533-3746.
Spokane Law Enforcement Museum Artifacts, photos, portraits, badges, uniforms and other police mementos. Museum accepts donations of police memorabilia. $5/adults, $4/seniors and military, $3/students, $2/age 12 and younger. (509) 625-3352.
Spokane Public Library “Watercolor Awakenings,” original paintings by Joe Guenewald and Fabian Napolsky. Also: “Expo ’74: Forty Years Later,” memorabilia from Spokane’s World’s Fair. 906 W. Main Ave. (509) 444-5300.
V du V Winery Exhibition of acrylic paint on canvas and paper by B. Loste. 12 S. Scott St. (509) 747-3200.
Vino! Wine Shop Paintings, drawings and tapestries by East German native Ilse Tan. 222 S. Washington St. (509) 838-1229.
William Grant Gallery “Present Past,” watercolors in a contemporary retrospective on life and work, past to present day, from the Methow Valley. 820 W. Francis Ave. (509) 484-3535.
WSU Museum of Art Master of Fine Art Thesis Exhibition, through Saturday. Wilson Road, Pullman. (509) 335-1910.
North Idaho
Art Spirit Gallery Figurative ceramic sculptures by Cary Weigand, Friday through May 31, with reception Friday, 5-8 p.m. Artist demonstration on Saturday at 1 p.m. 415 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 765-6006.
Entree Gallery “Through My Eyes,” contemporary paintings by Tom Wakeley, who creates impressions of light amid fluttering leaves and sparkling water, Saturday through May 31, with a Mother’s Day open house Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1755 Reeder Bay Road, Priest Lake. (208) 443-2001.
Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center “Art in Love” group show, through Friday. Also: “Modern American Indian Art” by Andrew Morrison, May 16-July 4, with reception May 16, 5-7 p.m. 405 N. William St., Post Falls. Free. (208) 457-8950.
Moscow Food Co-Op Photo entries for the city of Moscow’s Wisescape Award Program. The program solicits landscape nominations from homeowners, local businesses or apartment complexes promoting water efficient landscaping on the Palouse, and to recognize individuals who set examples for aesthetics and resource conservation, Friday through June 11. 121 E. Fifth St., Moscow. (208) 882-8537.
Museum of North Idaho “Power to the Farm” explores how Kootenai Electric Cooperative brought electricity to North Idaho’s rural areas. 115 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene. $3/adults, $1/children, $7/family. (208) 664-3448.
NIC Corner Gallery North Idaho College Student Art Show, through Friday. Boswell Hall, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene.
Pend Oreille Arts Council Gallery Ten local masters whose work has achieved national and international recognition. Also featuring the six artists of the newly formed River Bend Artists Guild and works of elementary school children in the Kaleidoscope Art Program. Panhandle Bank Building, Sandpoint. (208) 265-4755.
Prichard Gallery MFA Thesis Exhibit, presented by Eric Demattos, Jacob Commodore, Jeff Hutchison, Martin Nyarko and Lina Zhao. University of Idaho, 414/416 S. Main St., Moscow. (208) 885-3586.
Third Street Gallery “Social and Environmental Sustainability in the Age of Digital Design,” featuring recent research and design projects by Arash Adel, through Wednesday. Moscow City Hall, second and third floors, 206 E. Third St., Moscow. (208) 883-7036.