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President mischaracterized

In a letter published March 20, Jim Barbieri attacks President Obama in many ways. It is absolutely his right to disagree with our president’s policies and ideology, but when he attacks Obama personally, saying he has, “neither the temperament or the intellect to be president,” I must say that this is not based in fact.

President Obama graduated from Harvard Law School in the top 10 percent of his class with a magna cum laude, a special academic honor. He is eloquent, well-versed in current affairs and has a quick wit; all are attributes of a very intelligent person. Many pundits have criticized him for being too smart.

A pragmatic temperament should be seen as a positive, not a negative. Personally, I want the leader of the free world to consider all options, consult advisers, Congress and foreign heads of state, and move deliberately and slowly in making decisions that will affect us all.

The world is a tinderbox, and I want our president to use logic and a well-thought-out and agreed-upon strategy before rushing into anything.

Rose Rhoades


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