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Consider your legacy

In the course of your daily life, have you ever considered what legacy you will leave behind? What will be the gist of your obituary? Will it speak of your quest for notoriety or material goods?

On March 5, The Spokesman-Review published a letter in which Brandon Johnson lamented the apathy of Americans toward their own self-image. His accurate observations highlight the fact that most of us are too occupied with the daily grind to even care about our legacy.

In this same issue, we were told that Eric Dahl and Dennis Magner created Crowdswell, an Internet site on which people can alert others to overlooked needs. This same site allows donations to be accepted so professionals can be paid to amend the problem.

In the tiny town of Copemish, Mich., David Milarch is using the process of cloning to rebuild the lost forests of California redwoods, the Atlantic coast and other countries.

Some become politicians to get involved. Unfortunately, most of these visionaries become statists who often add to the problem. Hollywood is littered with human wreckage. So is big business. Your legacy should be one of selflessness and contribution. No one will remember your bank account.

Douglas Benn


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