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Chronic pain not a choice

Doctors are controlled by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and society is judging those who truly need pain management and necessary drugs to treat multiple conditions. It’s all a train wreck.

Doctors want to practice medicine without an agency breathing down their backs; the patient wants their doctor’s help; and society needs to stop judging sick people. Unless you live with chronic pain and multiple conditions, no one has the right to judge us.

Education is my tool, plus taking my meds correctly. There are those who abuse meds, or don’t need them, but somehow are getting them through a doctor or criminal, which reflects onto honest people.

Give sick people love, understanding, help and support rather than make them feel guilty for what they have no control over. Those people with chronic conditions or diseases that are inherited don’t have a choice; medication is a way of life for them, just like eating and drinking water.

I ask you physicians to treat us as individuals, not a number. And to those not hurting: Get a life or help a sick person.

Janice Curtis

Spokane Valley

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