Obituary: Davis, Wanda Faye
Age 67
She was preceded in death by her father, Henry Frederick; mother, Lucille Locke; her brother, Frank; and her aunt, Pearl.
She was born in Dallas, Texas on November 18, 1946.
She is survived by her husband of 28 years, Mike (who calls her his “Yellow Rose of Texas”); her sisters, Sandy, Betty and Linda; her brothers, Floyd and Gary; and numerous nieces and nephews all in the Dallas, Texas area; her daughters, Paula, Debra and Kristy; five grandchildren; and two great-granddaughters.
She also loved and admired Mike’s daughters, Michelle, Nanette, Janice and Pamela; sons, Deryl, Jonathan and Steven and treated them like her own.
During Wanda’s first marriage to a career Marine, she had to move several times while raising three young daughters and working to help support them.
During those difficult years, those three girls were the center of her life.
No matter what the sacrifices, she always found time wherever they lived to be involved in Girl Scouts and many other activities with her children, sewing and baking and always, with that big Texas smile, making friends.
While living in Hawaii, she found time to go back to school to become an accountant.
In 1978 she moved to Moses Lake, Washington where she raised her daughters as a single mother.
It was in Moses Lake in 1985 that she met a man, named Mike Davis, who had seven kids.
After a seven month whirlwind of dating, they were married on April 11, 1986.
She later told her daughters that he was the love of her life.
It was while she and Mike were in Moses Lake that she fell in love with golf and enjoyed ten years there with her friends and husband.
She enjoyed downhill and cross country skiing, water skiing, boating, and camping.
She loved Hawaii and she and Mike went with a large golfing group every February for ten years.
She loved the island of Molokai most of all and requested that her ashes be spread on the beach there.
In 1996 they moved to Spokane where she immediately fell in love with Wandermere Golf course and the people there.
She was an 18 year member of the 18 holers at Wandermere Golf Course and in the last few years also played with the 9 holers.
She played SAWGA for many years and made lasting friendships throughout the golfing community.
She was an avid supporter for the Rally For a Cure golf tournament held each year at Wandermere.
Anyone who met Wanda will remember her for her beautiful smile and her green thumb.
She was a fantastic landscaper making her yard look like a beautiful park with the combination of flowering shrubs and perennials.
She was a wonderful hostess who loved to showcase her cooking talents for all those who she entertained.
She and Mike were five year season ticket holders for the Gonzaga ladies basketball team.
She had such a passion for this team and had not missed a game even while undergoing chemotherapy during the 2012/2013 season.
She was a dedicated fan to the end.
Wanda requested that we have two parties (not Memorials) for her.
One at Wandermere golf course and one in Dallas, Texas.
The party for Wanda at Wandermere golf course will be on May 31, 2014 at 4pm.
All who knew Wanda are welcome to attend.