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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Support groups

Grief and Loss Support Group – Meets Mondays, 6-7 p.m., Hospice of Spokane, 121 S. Arthur St.; 3-4 p.m., South Side Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Meets Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 p.m., St. Luke Lutheran Church, 9706 N. Division St.; call Eileen Lyons at (509) 456-0438.

GriefShare Grief Recovery Support Group – Meets Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m., in the upstairs conference room at Valley Real Life, 1831 S. Barker Road, Greenacres. Cost is $15 for the workbook. Call (509) 232-0840 or email for more information.

Hearing Loss Support Group – Hearing Loss Association (HLA) of Spokane provides support, education, advocacy and camaraderie for people with hearing loss. Meets the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 a.m., HLA of Spokane, 1206 N. Howard. Free. For more information, contact HLA at or (509) 893-9220.

Hearing Loss Association of America Social Group – Bring a lunch, play games, and socialize. Meets every Monday, 10 a.m.-2:00 p.m., HLA of Spokane, 1206 N. Howard. For more information, contact HLA at

Hospice of Spokane – 121 S. Arthur St., is offering this support group for those wishing to explore the spiritual dimensions of losing a loved one; Thursdays, noon-1 p.m. or 4-5 p.m.; (509) 456-0438.

Huntington’s Disease – Meets the third Wednesday of every other month, 7-8 p.m., Deaconess Education Building; contact Rhea Kline, (509) 747-4735.

Infertility Support Group – Meets the fourth Thursday of every month, 6:30-8 p.m., at Rocket Bakery, 3315 N. Argonne Road. Call (509) 981-1294 for more information.

Inland Empire Meth Alliance – Focuses on the education and support for family and friends of meth addicts. Meets the first and third Saturdays of the month at 11 a.m., 3804 E. Pratt Ave. Contact: Deanna Moberg at (509) 533-0657 or email; Judy Reid, Coeur d’Alene, (208) 659-2839 or email

Inland Northwest Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis – Monthly meetings are held in Spokane, Spokane Valley, Coeur d’Alene, Lewiston/Clarkston, Colville, Wenatchee and Walla Walla; (509) 484-2022 or (800) 344-4867.

Into Action Al-Anon Family Group – Meets every Sunday, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Advent Lutheran Church, 13009 E. Broadway Ave., Spokane Valley. For more information call Jamie at (509) 953-4495 or visit

Kidz Count Family Support Group – For children and adults who have an adult family member with cancer; meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month, 6 p.m., Cancer Care Northwest, 601 S. Sherman. Call 228-1244 to register.

La Leche League – For mother-to-mother support and information about breastfeeding. The West Plains group meets the first Wednesday of each month, 9:30 a.m., Airway Heights Library, 321 E. Herb St., Airway Heights. Call Laura at (509) 244-4191 or Shannon at (509) 258-6850 for more information. The North Side group meets the second Friday of each month, 10 a.m., Holy Family Medical Building, Health Education Center, 235 E. Rowan Ave. Call Alicia at (509) 484-0340 or Catherine at (509) 340-3875 for more information. The Southside group meets the third Wednesday of each month, 6 p.m., United Manito Methodist Church, 3220 S. Grand Blvd. Call (509) 484-0340 for more information. Call the La Leche League Hotline at (509) 534-3674 or visit for more information.

Life After Loss Support Group – For those who have moved through early grief and need support to move through life after loss; call Eileen Lyons at (509) 456-0438.

Lilac Blind Foundation – “Ex-sighted” group for the visually impaired and legally blind meets second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 10-11:30 a.m., Lilac Blind Foundation, 1212 N. Howard St.; (509) 328-9116.

Lorrie’s Footprints – For those dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, meets the third Thursday of the month, 1-3 p.m., Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 7307 N. Nevada St.; Kerry at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, (509) 482-2022.

Loss of a Child Support Group – For those in need of support in loss of a child of any age through death. Meets Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m., Hospice of Spokane, 121 S. Arthur St. Call Eileen Lyons at (509) 456-0438 for more information.

Loss of Spouse – Sponsored by Hospice of Spokane, for those who have lost a spouse through death. Meets Wednesdays, 1-2:15 p.m., Hospice of Spokane, 121 S. Arthur St.; (509) 456-0438.

Mother Baby Time – A support group for moms with new babies. Find reassurance and relief in connecting with other women who are sharing similar experiences – adapting to a new schedule and trying to make the best decisions for the baby and still handling other normal responsibilities. A lactation consultant/nurse specialist will be available to answer questions and offer resources. Free. Call (509) 474-2400 for more information.

To have your group that is open to the public included in this listing, send relevant information, including the daytime phone number for a contact, to: The Spokesman-Review, Editorial Department, Support Group Listings, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210.