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The Slice: Always be aware of wind direction

Let’s say you have been out on a lake in a small, open fishing boat.

And let’s further imagine that you have been battling thirst with a succession of cold beverages from an ice chest.

At some point while out on the water, the inevitable will happen. You will need to, you know, go.

So here’s the question. Around here, what’s the most popular way of dealing with that pressing need? A) Stand up, try not to fall out of the boat and take aim over the side. B) Depends on angler’s gender. C) Seek relief over the side from seated or kneeling position. D) Go into a bucket, bottle or some other receptacle. E) Depends on how close the nearest boat is. F) Depends on whether your boat is surrounded by other boats. G) Head for shore and locate appropriate restroom facilities. H) Depends on who else is fishing with you. I) Is the angler in question taking a diuretic? J) Other.

Skepticism about mainstream media maybe: Had an exchange with a reader who initially doubted me when I said there used to be an Air Force base at Moses Lake.

Hope all three are happy and well: A reader sent me a snapshot that appears to show a seated mother cradling two newborns in her arms. The reader, who did not share his or her name, wrote that the photo was discovered in a used book.

Here’s what is written in pen on the back of the snapshot:

May 1990

Spencer James

Daniel Alexander

Update: Since its formation in June of 2007, the Marmot Lodge has had zero meetings.

My assumption has been that members are busily engaged in good works and should not be interrupted.

Stay with it.

Warm-up question: Which title of a Calvin & Hobbes collection comes closest to reflecting your summer so far? A) “The Days are Just Packed.” B) “There’s Treasure Everywhere.” C) “Something Under the Bed is Drooling.” D) “Weirdos From Another Planet.” E) “The Revenge of the Baby-Sat.” F) “Scientific Progress Goes ‘Boink.’ ” G) “It’s a Magical World.”

Today’s Slice question: The enduring popularity of Hoopfest says what about Spokane?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Howard Bisbee remembers being able to order firecrackers through ads in comic books.

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