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The Slice: What if pressure gets to you?

You think it’s just you, but you’re wrong.

You are getting your blood pressure checked and the cuff keeps squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. You find yourself thinking, “What if it keeps getting tighter until …”

Some readers are eating. So I’ll spare you a graphic description.

Let’s just say that when your arm is in one of those blood-pressure monitors, it takes only a little imagination to visualize an unhappy ending.

Of course, there could be something else to consider besides constriction anxiety.

It could be that some of us are just big babies.

Just wondering: Has anyone assessing the traffic disruption caused by the work on Grand Boulevard felt the need to mumble “Oh, the humanity”?

Slice answers: Mary Cayer said, yes, her church attendance goes up during the summer.

Mike Storms said New Mexico’s is his favorite state flag.

Jim McGuire’s ice cream truck song would be Mungo Jerry’s “In the Summertime.”

Val Trca’s truck would play “Who Let the Dogs Out.”

If Vince Roland’s swimsuit could talk, it might say “One at a time, please.”

Cheri Deters said balancing eggs on end is her family’s summer solstice ritual.

Sue Kelly’s family rented a cottage on Long Island Sound back East in the summer of 1975, but the movie “Jaws” took a big bite out of people’s interest in ocean swimming.

Renee Resberg’s advice for a child interested in gardening would be, “Remember, green side up.”

Kevin Fletcher would tell the kid, “Grow for it.”

And Gary Polser would suggest befriending a Master Gardener.

Double your pleasure: J. Scott Miller observed that the folks in the Spokane TransCanada office have a pretty sweet deal in that they celebrate both U.S. and Canadian holidays.

But it’s a dry heat: “So is an oven,” wrote Alice Spray. “This isn’t original. I heard it in Arizona all the time.”

Today’s Slice question: What was the hardest adjustment when you decided to get serious about adopting a low-sodium diet?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Note to longtime Slice reader Tim Crabb: Yes indeed, “Long-haired, leaping gnome” was a nod to the 1970 song “Spill the Wine.”

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